<blockquote class='posterous_long_quote'><div>
</div> <div> <div class="post-372 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-sin-categoria"> <h1 class="entry-title">Editors and HTML5: Klynt, 3WDOC and Popcorn Maker</h1> <div class="entry-meta"> <span class="author vcard">Eva Domínguez</span> | 27/03/2012 </div> <div class="entry-content"> <p>"Since Steve Jobs ruled out the idea of <strong>Flash</strong> for the iPad, the <strong>HTML5</strong> standard has gained momentum, as nothing created with Flash can be seen on this tablet. Right now, Flash continues to be the most consolidated, comfortable and versatile option when it comes to creating interactive contents. But, as we saw in the i-docs symposium in Bristol, it may not be for much longer. At the symposium were representatives from <strong>content editors </strong>Popcorn Maker, Klynt, and 3WDOC. The debate was very illustrative.</p> <p><span></span>Why talk about the HTML5 standard, about Flash, about programming in a symposium about <strong>interactive documentaries</strong>? Because in the digital world the technology moulds the content. The narrative possibilities will sooner or later clash with the technological ones. The distance between what is imagined and what is produced is marked by the latter.</p> <p>If you have a budget that stretches to custom-made development, there are few limits, but in most cases the creators need already existing tools to complete their stories. In other words, they seek editors for interactive contents, among them <strong>Popcorn Maker</strong>, <strong>Klynt</strong>, and <strong>3WDOC..."</strong>.</p></div></div></div></blockquote>

Great panel & presentation from Eva Dominguez at iDocs Bristol. Thanks, Eva, for archiving the discussion. Terrific!
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