A still from Yi Zhou’s 2009 short film, “The Ear.”
Published: December 1, 2010
"SHANGHAI — Imagine that van Gogh, after slicing off his ear, finds himself sucked down a passage into his own brain, which turns out to be the concentric onion of Dante’s “Divine Comedy.” Then capture that journey with three-dimensional digital imaging software and turn it, frame by computerized frame, into a five-minute animated movie.
Now substitute the rap star Pharrell Williams for van Gogh. Add music by Ennio Morricone, creator of the haunting soundtracks for Sergio Leone’s “Dollars” trilogy of spaghetti westerns. Arrange with Pearl Lam to show the resulting piece in her trend-setting Contrasts Gallery in Shanghai. On the way to the opening, stop off for a couple of photo shoots with Madame Figaro and China Vogue; and sign off on the deal you’ve just negotiated to open and manage a Chinese video studio for a French ad agency. Oh, and put in a quick word for Tudou, China’s would-be YouTube, since you’re now its cultural ambassador.
This is the frenetic world of Yi Zhou, a surrealist video artist whose self confidence and self-promotion bring to mind a 21st-century reincarnation of Salvador Dalí — without the mustache of course, and prettier...."
Read the full article on the NYTimes
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