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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fascinating: MyndPlay - Mind controlled video & movie platform actively seeking content

What is MyndPlay?

Click here to see MyndPlay Introduction Video on YouTube.

Achieve Peak Performance Brain Training through Entertainment...

MyndPlay is the world's first mind controlled media player and platform which connects with EEG BCI technology to allow viewers an engaging, innovative new level of interactivity with live motion. MyndPlay gives the user the ability to interact with and change the direction and outcome of a video or movie using only their minds.

This new media platform will revolutionize interactive film, mental sports training  and video content by truly immersing the viewer into the plot, storyline and the characters by allowing them to direct or influence the outcome just by relaxing and focusing, they choose who lives and dies, whether the bad guy or the good guy wins, or whether or not the golfer makes that all important putt.

MyndPlay puts the viewer in control...Click here to read more

From the site:

"Create and sell content online to almost 1 million headset users

MyndPlay was conceived as an idea to provide brain training through entertainment, that is why with MyndPlay the viewer does not only have control over the content, but also develops control over their own emotions which transfer into everyday life, this allows MyndPlay to work with not just movies, but applications ranging from peak performance in sports through mental training, to controlling your nerves on a date, MyndPlay has been designed to be as flexible as possible allowing the greatest amount of content to be produced both professionally and by enthusiasts.

MyndPlay offers companies and organizations an opportunity to be at the forefront of cutting edge technologies and the latest immersive media solutions. This new innovative entertainment platform allows the viewer to be part of an experience above and beyond the standard video format as they connect with the content in an emotional and engaging way. Companies will be able to connect with global markets as the format is launched internationally. At the same time, PR potential is huge, as this platform has never been experienced before. Myndplay is the future of interactive video technology. MyndPlay also has the facility to create viewer feedback logs offering producers and film makers biofeedback data from every viewing allowing them to get scientific feedback on the affects of their visual content.

Myndplay applications will provide the viewer with instant gratification as they interact with live video and in turn become emotionally involved and attached to the brand or character. Myndplay movies provide replay value as the viewer can watch the clip over and over again trying to change the outcome of the movie. Never before have viewers had such a good reason to revisit a movie or video a second and third, maybe fourth time.

MyndPlay welcomes all levels of content partners to create and sell content online through the MyndPlay app store, as the market grows so does demand, production companies, brands, video training companies and film makers can use the system to generate a new source of revenue through online sales.

Content Ideas:

•Video Apps – 1-5 minute interactive live action games and entertainment
•Interactive Advertising
•Short Films
•Feature Length Movies – New and re-edited
•Corporate Videos – i.e. Presenting, Public speaking
•Sports Training Videos – i.e. Mastering Golf
•Well being and personal health videos
•Socially aware content, youth and children
•Interactive Trailers"

Posted via email from Siobhan O'Flynn's 1001 Tales

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