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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jeff Gomez' 8 defining characteristics of transmedia storytelling

  1. Content is originated by one or a very few visionaries
  2. Cross-media rollout is planned early in the life of the franchise
  3. Content is distributed to three or more media platforms
  4. Content is unique, adheres to platform-specific strengths, and is not repurposed from one platform to the next
  5. Content is based on a single vision for the story world
  6. Concerted effort is made to avoid fractures and schisms
  7. Effort is vertical across company, third parties and licensees
  8. Rollout features audience participatory elements, including:
    - Web portal
    - Social networking
    - Story-guided user-generated content’s-“8-defining-characteristics-of-transmedia-production”/

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