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Monday, October 11, 2010

Wha????? Brit Snuff Genre: The Taking of Prince Harry and the limits of TV drama

Excerpt from

The revelation that Channel 4 has made a drama-documentary imagining the kidnapping of Prince Harry by the Taliban has brought immediate criticism. The detractors regard this commission as typical of a lefty, subversive, trouble-making channel, which has previously aired similar fantasy dramas depicting the murder of President George Bush and Gary Glitter's execution for paedophilia.

Yet, strangely, the godfather of this genre of snuff hypotheticals is one of the most popular and populist writers in Britain, who once served as a deputy chairman of the Conservative party. In 1977, Jeffrey Archer published his second novel, Shall We Tell the President?, in which FBI agents attempt to prevent a plot to take the life of President Edward Kennedy. To place the youngest of the Kennedy brothers in the White House was fiction, but since the politician's two brothers had been assassinated, the book was widely viewed as being in dubious taste.

Posted via email from Siobhan O'Flynn's 1001 Tales

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